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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Next Talk podcast. We are passionate about keeping kids safe in an overexposed world.

Speaker 2:

It's Mandy and Kim and we're navigating tech, culture and faith with our kids.

Speaker 1:

Hi guys, we have an announcement today.

Speaker 2:

We do, and I like how you say we. You're so gracious and kind. You're so gracious and kind.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I have been praying a lot with my family and with Mandy and with our Next Talk team, and there's something we've always said at Next Talk.

Speaker 2:

We said if you're not taking care of your family, if your family is struggling, or if you're not in a space where you can take care of your family the way we talk about them, what's the point of all of this?

Speaker 2:

And so there came a moment where I realized and Mandy and our team that I needed to step away from Next Talk for a while, and that's really the main announcement is that I need to pour some more time into my family, into my own health. You know, when you stop exercising because you're like, well, I'm going to finish this first and you stop putting things in order, it's time to step back. And as hard as it is to do what you say you know we've said this for how many years as hard as it is to make that decision, I know it's the right decision and God has validated that for me over and over in the last few days. So for this season, for now, I am going to step back for the next talk. I'm trying not to cry, don't. Don't I got all the tears out ahead of time?

Speaker 1:

There have been some behind the scenes tears and, as we've walked through this and kind of came to the realization that it was what needed to happen and what God was saying, and um, but I'm not going to lie, it's hard because, you know, for seven years Kim has been such a voice on the podcast and the cool thing is I know she's not leaving my life, which is cool.

Speaker 1:

I'm still getting the best friend texts every day and the encouragement. But I'm sad for you guys. I'm sad for you guys because you've just poured so much wisdom into everything that you've done and I know, even in tough seasons behind the scenes, how faithful you've been to the ministry. But ministry is hard, it is and it takes its toll. But ministry is hard, it is and it takes its toll. I'm so proud of her right now because I think oftentimes in our world it's just push through, yeah, push through, do what you need to do, and we've done that. We've done that for lots of years. But right now Kim is saying I don't think that's what God is asking me to do right now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's not the answer. You know me trying to fix things, me trying to make it work. That is no longer the answer, and I think one of the greatest joys that I have in stepping back is being able to say Mandy is an incredible leader who lays on her life and who listens to God every single day and who shows up day after day and is a vessel for what God has to share with you. So there is no part of me that worries about Next Talk. Next Talk will thrive and go on. I will now be the number one fan and I will be listening and watching on YouTube. So like and subscribe, of course. Um, I just think God's got so much in store for next talk and I can't wait to watch, even if it's from a different angle.

Speaker 1:

Well, I I appreciate you saying all that. I um, I've struggled as you know. We've been really honest in this transition and I've literally said to Kim the podcast may fall apart without you. It may not be worth our time anymore if it plummets. And she's just spoken a lot of truth into me and encouragement and we're going to try some new formats. We've got some new guests coming on the show. We've got a whole different thing that the show Like. We've got a whole different thing that we're going to try on the podcast and we'll see how it goes. And you know what? If it doesn't go well, we're still doing events.

Speaker 1:

We still got help desk we still have a lot of other programs to serve families, so we'll see how it goes. But I think what's been cool in this process is us talking through. You know, like I've said to her before, it's just going to be me and Jesus on the couch. What?

Speaker 2:

That's the best co-host, but like that's enough.

Speaker 1:

Yes, that's enough, and it's almost like Kim needs to step out and be with Jesus for a minute and I need to be okay with me and Jesus and it'll be good, it'll be more than enough. It's more than enough, but our, our human flesh takes over and we're like, well, what if? What if I can't do that, or what if we're making the wrong decision or whatever? And, um, I just I don't know, it's been, it's been cool to walk through this with you as a best friend and a podcast co-host, kind of partner thing, as we've seen God reveal this to us?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, in so many more ways than you can imagine. Yeah. So I guess, at this point, what I would ask is for prayers prayers for next talk, prayers for Mandy, prayers for me as we move forward and do new things and hard things. I know there's going to be a lot of beautiful fruit, so I'm looking forward to it, as hard as it is.

Speaker 1:

One of the things. I want to end with this, if it's okay. I was reading the other day King Solomon in Ecclesiastics and he talks about in chapter three there is a season for everything. He says for everything there is a season, a time for activity, every activity under heaven, and he lists them out. You know, a time to live, a time to die there were a couple that just jumped out at me. It said a time to plant and a time to harvest, a time to tear down and a time to build up, and this is the one that I, like, broke down when I read it a time to be quiet and a time to speak. And I just think it's, you know, so wise when we know we need to just be quiet for a minute. You know, be still and know that he is God. You're in a busy season of life I mean, I remember it and you have one extra kid season of life.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I remember it, and you have one extra kid, having one in each of the grades you know high school, middle school, elementary, and a husband, and you know volunteering and just life. It is a lot and I really want to get to the end of that race and God say well done, good and faithful servant. Not well, you limped through. You know I had more for you, but you were stretched too thin and so I need to rest for a little while, yeah, and then we'll see what God does.

Speaker 1:

Well, and we're not God we don't know what each day brings. We don't know if this is short-term, long-term, forever. We don't know what we're saying is every day. Is we're going to have an act of obedience? Yeah, yes, and figure it out as we go. So it's kind of like I don't know. I don't want to say the end of an era, it's a pause for a moment, it's a see you later. It's a different season. Right now it's a different season and we'll see what the next season brings.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thank you to all the Next Talk families, who I have been so blessed to meet and talk with and be a part of your season and a part of your life's greatest gift One of the greatest gifts of life.

Speaker 1:

Ministry is hard. We've talked about this a lot. Our work that we do is hard. We see things. We hear things that we don't want to hear, but there's something so special about it, too, that we can see behind the scenes the work that God is doing in families. Yes, and we talk about it all the time about the servants at the wedding.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You know, they were in the kitchen and they saw the miracle, and the wedding guests didn't see it. Yeah, because they were filling the jars. Filling the jars and we see that behind the scenes a lot, and it's that fruitfulness of what God is doing. And so, kim, just thank you. Thank you for being my best friend and thank you for teaching me how to talk on the radio. You did, now you're an expert, so there you go. Do you remember the first day of the radio show? I?

Speaker 2:

do. It was special, it was real special.

Speaker 1:

I was like tapping the mic. You're like, please stop putting your mouth on the mic.

Speaker 2:

You've come so far. I'm so proud of you. I'm so proud of you. You get the graduation.

Speaker 1:

Don't coach me in the background. I'm expecting texts from you. If I put a podcast out there, that's awful.

Speaker 2:

You better be texting me. It's coming, you will. You're going to wish you never said that. Thank you, it is Um, it's been the best. Love you, girl, love you.

Speaker 1:

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Speaker 2:

Make a donation today at nexttalkorg. This podcast is not intended to replace the advice of a trained healthcare or legal professional, or to diagnose, treat or otherwise render expert advice regarding any type of medical, psychological or legal problem. Listeners are advised to consult a qualified expert for treatment.